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The value of greater network cooperation for supervisory boards

Published on: 17-10-2023

The social challenges facing care and support are becoming increasingly complex. In many cases, an organisation can no longer solve these issues alone. Every care or welfare organisation is faced with an increasing need for cooperation between multiple parties. These developments are significant for professionals and managers, but certainly also for the people who fulfil the role of internal supervisor. The current method of internal supervision requires reassessment, enhancement and adjustment. It is not sufficient to supervise only from the perspective of the organisation and its interests. The Healthcare Governance Code also puts increasing emphasis on the social aspect.

We are currently seeing that the range of actions and the supervisory vision of the supervisory board in this area are still under development. There is emerging knowledge available and it mainly requires a joint exploration in the field to arrive at an appropriate way of working and interpretation of roles.

To contribute to this research, Vilans, Levinas Institute and Common Eye started the initiative ‘A good conversation about network supervision’. Ten different organisations responded to a call to participate.

  • Read the results in the publication


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