Care and Management of Services for Older People Network


NIZW – one of the predecessors of Vilans – with Henk Nies as scientific director, participated prominently in CARMEN, the Care and Management of Services for Older People Network. This project was supported by the European Commission’s ‘Quality of Life and Management of Human Resources’ Programme (EU 5th Framework Programme).

Management of integrated care

This project involved ten organisations across Europe and it involved more than forty national stakeholders and some fifteen international stakeholders.

Under the editorship of Henk Nies and Philip Berman the network produced the workbook Integrating Services for Older People: A resource book for managers. (Spanish version: Integración de Servicios para Personas Mayores. Guia de recursos para coordinadores asistenciales, 2006). The book provides guidelines for people involved in the development of integrated care services, with practice examples from countries around Europe. Its focus was on the management of integrated care at client level, organisation level and system level.

Contact for this project:

Director Strategy and Development