In voor Zorg

Into Care

In voor Zorg, or Into Care, is a large-scale improvement program assigned by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports and executed by Vilans in collaboration with numerous subcontractors. The program has been set up as a supportive policy to facilitate health care organisations in long term care to adapt and sustain all necessary transformations and transitions to improve services for clients.

Quality improvement

During the past years over 450 health care organisations have participated and worked during trajectories of 1 to 2 years on quality improvement and redesigning their organisation. The Into care program provides support in multiple ways by coaches, knowledge brokers, instruments, meetings, master classes (all kinds of) conferences, peer learning, thematic groups and a website. The scale of program is huge: over more than 100 mln euro’s since the start till now.

Learn more about Into Care.

Commission Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports

Contact for this project:

Director Strategy and Development