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Dirk Lukkien

“Proactive and better supported care with the help of data and smart technology.”

There is constant innovation in technologies that make our lives and work easier, including in long-term care. For example, while new technological developments in the field of big data and artificial intelligence generate a lot of enthusiasm, they also raise questions about unintended side effects. In my opinion, both the enthusiasm and the warnings are justified.

Senior Researcher

With my background in innovation sciences, I try to bridge the gap between what is technologically possible and what is socially feasible and desirable in the field of healthcare technology. For example, not only design choices, but also user routines and the underlying business case have a major influence on the extent to which technology meets the needs in practice. Only through mutual cooperation can developers, users and other stakeholders learn how technology can play a meaningful and responsible role in people’s work and lives. My aim is to stimulate and improve this collaboration.

Data and ‘smart’ technology play an increasingly supporting role in long-term care. eHealth often aims to provide affordable care, but steps are also taken towards the independence and self-reliance of the client. This allows people to live at home longer more comfortably. In recent years we have seen that technologies are becoming ‘smarter’ and are starting to ‘think along’ with care givers, and to a certain extent, independently take over certain tasks. However, we are also seeing that technology and services often do not sufficiently meet the needs and daily life of the client and care giver.


  • Highlights the role of data and ‘smart’ technology in long-term care in the project ‘Data-driven Care’.
  • Researcher in several European development processes (such as eWare)
  • As an innovation researcher, has knowledge of the dynamics in which new ideas are transformed into practical innovations.
  • Part-time PhD researcher into responsible artificial intelligence (Responsible AI) in long-term care, with particular focus on the collaboration between developers and users.